Failure- What is it Good For?

Failure is perhaps the most
important teacher for any entrepreneur. Although failure is often
treated as a taboo in school and university, where repeating a year
or having to re-do courses causes our parents to look down on us,
once we graduate and join the real-life work-force, failure becomes
one of the main aspects of hands-on learning.
Often, entrepreneurs who failed before have a higher chance of
success in their new start-ups, thanks to the learning they
accumulated from prior failures. No successful businessman that I
know has known success only without failure; most successful
entrepreneurs have failed more times than they have succeeded. But
the successes they achieved eventually compensated for all their
prior failures. So, in my opinion, failure is one of the most
important metrics by which an entrepreneur can gauge his
Even investment vehicles structure their models by taking failure
rates into account- so why shouldn’t we? A typical venture capital
investment model estimates that 8 out of 10 portfolio ventures will
fail or stagnate, while the other 2 will produce returns that
compensate for the rest.
Over the past 10 years, I have had a similar return rate: I’ve been
a part of seven new ventures, four of which failed at different
stages, two stagnated, and one succeeded, compensating me for all
the prior failures and more. Here I will share with you my
failures, and the lessons I learned with each.
1. The Bogus Business Plan
I started my first entrepreneurial venture in 2002, with my friend
Mina Guirguis, who had the idea to start Zambaleta, an arts, music and
entertainment resort in Egypt. We drew up the idea, gathered market
data, and created a business model, and then entered the MIT Arab
business plan competition. After reaching the semi-final round and
receiving encouraging feedback, we wanted to launch the company and
seek investment. After a lot of effort, we convinced a major
Egyptian businessman in tourism and entertainment to take a look at
our business plan during a car ride. As he sifted through the
papers, he was initially impressed by the idea, until he reached
the part that discussed our salaries and the percentage of equity
we wanted to retain… at which point he opened the car window and
threw the business plan out!
In the ened, my partner Mina ended up moving back to the US and
starting the project as an NGO based in San Francisco, and we
learned- powerfully- how to present better in the future.
2. Trying to Get a Free Lunch
Another failure of mine was my attempt to build a company to
manufacture and distribute food products. I started the venture
with a partner and booked “free” government land, in an area of
Cairo called Maidoum in Bani Sweif, Egypt. We prepared the initial
business plans and drafted potential financing partners… but what
we forgot to look at were the conditions associated with this
“free” land. As we reviewed our paperwork nine months later, we
realized that the “free” land had operational conditions linked to
it, such that the land would be taken away from us three months
later! We eventually succeeded in returning the land, and
unblocking the credit guarantees we had submitted to book the land,
although not without with some financial losses. Fortunately our
losses were not too heavy. Since then I have not missed looking at
one single clause in any contract I sign, and I take contracts very
3. Not Enough Flow
When I lived in Algeria in 2005-2006, I supported a friend of mine
in starting up her own advertising and PR agency, VectorGraphics.
The venture rose quickly, becoming one of the largest ten PR and
advertising agencies in Algeria in less than a year. We made a
critical mistake, however, in forgetting that the venture’s growth
depends upon cash flow. We never bothered to look at the cash flow
statement, ended up running short on working capital, and had to
file for bankruptcy despite having signed a contract for
The second mistake we made was over-working my partner. She took on
almost all of the sales and management duties, even though we had
more than 10 other employees. Once she got married and went on
maternity leave, none of the other employees came close to filling
10% of her role. There I learned the importance of building up an
institution, rather than a company based on a single
4. The Designer Startup
My last example is a lesson from when I became a shareholder in
E-Arabia, an agency that
buys online ads and sells them in bundles along with other
services. The company was simply over-designed- it had too many
employees, an expensive headquarters, and heavy investments in
marketing and PR that worked to place its ads next to other large
firms in the sector. The company spent more than 200K LE (around
$34,000) per month, while generating less than 25% of this figure
in revenue. Of course it went bankrupt in under 2 years. We’ve
since bounced back, however, and currently manage it at a much
smaller scale with very little overhead.
My lessons taught me a lot; ultimately, the learning you make out
of your own failures sticks far more than anything you will read in
a textbook. My advice to entrepreneurs is this: take risks you
cannot financially absorb, that would affect bringing home the
daily bread for you and your family, but do try, and try again.