3 Skill Sets for Good User Experience Design

In my previous post, I
explained what User Experience Design (UXD) is. Here I will define
what makes a good user experience (UX) designer. A good UX designer
works like a guitar tuner; if the strings are too tight, everything
will break, yet if the strings are too loose, the instrument won't
play well.
To keep the strings tuned, the UX designer must balance logic (usability and information architecture) and emotion (design and aesthetics), pulling from a variety of discplines such as library sciences, ergonomics, usability, interaction design, and information architecture.
The traits that make a good UX designer- the ability to wear different hats, synthesize knowledge from different arenas, and keep a balance, also apply to entrepreneurs in general.
So what exactly makes a UX designer good? At a bare minimum, she must have three basic traits:
1. The Ability to Create User Centered Design (UCD)
When designing something new, a user-centered designer should
answer these 6 questions in order to understand the needs, wants
and limitations of the user:
1. Who are
my users?
2. What is the purpose of
the site?
3. What will the users be
4. How proficient or
savvy are the users?
5. What functionalities will the user
6. What information will
the user need to operate the product?
Asking the right questions allows you to form a clear picture of
what the user needs, allowing you to create a product with good
visibility (in terms of navigation and layout),
good accessibility, (e.g., color coding and
pagination), good legibility, (involving font size
and type), and good content (in terms of language,
tone, and sentence structure). You can answer these questions by
conducting research.
2. Good Research Skills
Forget about lab coats. Research here is about usability
testing, user interviews, and analytics. One cannot design for a
user that he has not interviewed. In bigger organizations, you will
find that design and research duties are typically divided between
two teams, yet ideally, a designer will have some experience with
the research phase. Working on your statistical analysis abilities
and knowledge of experimental design will especially help build your
research skill set.
3. Flexible and Creative Personality Traits
These are more attributes than skills. A UX Designer should be:
- Cooperative. You
will have to cooperate with other teams.
- Creative. Finding an allover
solution to a small problem is often key.
- Diplomatic. A diplomatic
demeanor comes in very handy when discussing issues with
- Observant. We all miss small
details, but it especially pays in this field to keep your eyes
- Open. What applies to you don’t
necessarily mean it applies to others. It’s important to be open to
ideas and
- Patient. It might sound fast on
pen and paper, but design takes more time than you would think.
Cultivating these three skill sets is a good place to start, for a UX designer or an entrepreneur, when it comes to building products. In the next post, I will discuss how to set up a UX Design project. Feel free to comment or ask. If you’ve read until the end, you are patient- that’s at least one trait down.