Meet the First Social Network Designed to Make Your Dreams Come True

Every one of us has dreams, ranging from meeting a celebrity to visiting a chocolate factory or flying to the moon. What if someone gave you access to a network that could possibly help make your dreams come true? That’s the idea behind The Dream Matcher, a new social network that aims to connect people in order to help them realize each other’s dreams. An ambitious project, it ranked amongst the finalists in Seeqnce’s recent competition The Execution.
While traditional social networks have a more information-based structure, The Dream Matcher works with a desire graph concept that highlights what people really need and want rather than they’re generally interested in.
On the site, users can fill in a profile, specifying their dream and why they are so passionate about it. The site’s smart algorithm will then match a particular user to other users that might help fulfill that dream. For example, let’s say someone’s dream is to visit a chocolate factory. The algorithm will find other members that work at chocolate factories, such as Cadbury, and them put them in contact with the original dreamer. The Cadbury employee might be able to help out by offering a visit to a chocolate plant.
This is but one of many examples. Some dreams might be very straightforward, like receiving a postcard from France, while others might be in a less feasible category such as space travel.
The Dream Matcher is the brainchild of Ali Chehade, a media professional who started the concept as a TV show. But after seeing the cost of adapting it on TV, Ali changed the concept to a social network and based his master’s degree thesis on it, receiving a lot of positive feedback from his professors in the US.
As it turns out, the business of realizing dreams is not all fluff; the site has a very focused revenue model. Desire-based advertising plays a big part in the planned revenue stream; since users are publicly sharing their desires, advertisers can tailor their ads to user needs more so than on other social networks.
In the future, Chehade also plans to introduce premium membership services such as Dream Counselors (people who help you maximize your ability to realize your dream), an unlimited number of dream postings, and the ability to ask other users for money to fund dreams (like building a house). Along these lines, the site may offer a crowdfunding platform that charges small transaction fees.
Chehade plans to launch the Dream Matcher first in Lebanon, due to the exposure it received from recent events, and then in New York City, because its density might facilitate quick uptake. Anyone will be able to join the network, but marketing efforts will be focused on these regions first, before the platform expands to feature other regions.
The Dream Matcher still needs a lot of funding, due to the large scope of the project; it’s challenging to help people find what they truly desire. After finishing as runner up in The Execution, Chehade plans on presenting his project to funds such as N2V and at next year’s Arabnet conference.
The Dream Matcher is an ambitious project, as it aims to improve the probability of people realizing their dreams, with funding or donation, just through sheer human desire to help. Yet if it can gain enough traction, the possibilities for transforming lives in small ways will be endless.