A Lesson in Leadership: Fadi Ghandour's Visit with Tony Fernandes of Air Asia

He walks in to greet us and starts cracking
jokes. Full of passion and charisma, his knowledge of every single
detail of his company is evident. Spending time with Tony
Fernandes, the founder of Air Asia, is an education in leadership and management
of a unique kind.
I ask him what is it that makes this company so different, so
successful, and so passionate about everything it does, creating a
culture that shows on the faces of every single person in the
company. He says, “Our corporate culture is it. It’s what makes
us.” And it’s what makes this such a powerful story; Tony Fernandes
is not an ordinary CEO and Air Asia is not an ordinary company.
Walking with him across the one floor where the company exists is
like walking with a rock star getting ready to go on stage, except
that every single person he says hello to is not a fan but part of
the band (or brand for that matter). Management sits on one huge
stage in an open space office, where the chief pilot has a corner
desk looking at the operations team, which is right next to the
flight attendant team, which is right next to the reception area,
and where there is no call center but an online chat customer
service team.
(Tony says that he shut down the call center because there was no
use for it and it was not doing what it is supposed to do. So his
website, where the client comes, books, pays, and complains, or
rejoices, is one big happy floor all connected, all visible, and
all orchestrated by Tony).
If you did not know this was an airline, you would think you were
walking into a dot com company, with a chief evangelist living in
Kuala Lumpur, not in Silicon Valley.
So what is this corporate culture that changes lives and makes
this company one of the most successful airlines in the world? It
asks the question, “Hierarchy, what hierarchy?” Tony is a leader
and a manager, but he is one of the team also. So his office is
smack at the heart of the company, with no walls and no doors.
Everyone sees him and he sees everyone. He is Tony to everyone and
he is in his polo shirt and with his famous baseball cap. His only
vice is that he gets a special parking slot right next to the door
of his building, for his two-door white Peugeot.
Stepping out of his car to his office, which is next to the
passenger terminal, he is stopped by clients who want his autograph
and to take a photo with him. He talks to them, carries their bags,
checks them in and walks the aisles of the plane.
So, can corporate culture be the only competitive advantage of a
company? You bet it can. In a business of people, people make and
break companies, and their happiness is what matters most. You can
buy the best airplanes in the world and they will cost you hundreds
of millions of dollars, but if you do not have the people to make
this investment in your planes worthwhile, you’re going to vanish.
The airline industry is filled with brands that one never thought
would not exist today. Yet Tony, with his simple idea that
people matter, and his ability to walk the talk, has created the
ultimate people’s company, with billions of dollars in revenue and
hundreds of million in operating income. How many
companies could achieve such incredible margins, and how many
airlines could run 100 aircrafts, with over 300 takeoffs and
landings a day, and still make this much money? It’s a rare
commodity by any rubric.
Tony Fernandes throws Michael Porter’s theories about the airline
industry into disarray. Tony defies MBA theory, and gravity, just
because his corporate leadership and management is one that makes
working for an airline as cool as working for Google or Zynga or
After 4 hours with tony, eating airline food with him at the open air cafeteria with every single trainee, captain, and ground handling staff, I walked away thinking that I just went to leadership school, and learned what I have always known: walking the talk is not a theory, it is life itself in the corporate world, in the leadership world, and in the consumer world, where customers rule through instant feedback on Facebook, Twitter, and everything in between.
So while we may continue to look West to learn, sometimes the real lessons occur where East converges with South, mixes with “down to earth,” and is energized by the magic touch of a leader who makes working a pleasure and puts a smile on every face.