SILA Angel Investment Network Launches to Boost Entrepreneurs in Qatar

Silatech, a social initiative based in Qatar, has announced the launch of a new angel investment network, designed to open new avenues of investment for entrepreneurs in Qatar.
Founded in Qatar in 2008 by Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, Silatech works to promote large-scale job creation, entrepreneurship, access to capital and markets, and the participation and engagement of young people in economic and social development.
The new angel investment network, launched in partnership with Qatar Development Bank (QDB), Wamda, Oasis500 and the MIT Enterprise Forum, aims to grow the start-up sector in Qatar into a truly viable and productive option for youth.
“Despite a generally favorable enterprise climate and a lot of young talent with good business ideas, the equity gap between the seed and early business stages and the growth stage of small business with support from investment funds is a barrier to success that SILA will address," explained Silatech CEO Dr. Tarik Yousef, who mentioned that Silatech would also host mentoring events and training programs with angle investors.
“Our intention is to catalyze the start-up ecosystem in Qatar and develop sustainable enterprises with sound investment ideas," he added.
To learn more about the Angel Investment Network and how Bedaya Center also supports entrepreneurs, check out the videos below, and stay tuned for more coverage of the event's launch in Doha this evening.
Silatech CEO Dr. Tarik M. Yousef outlines some of the difficulties facing aspiring young entrepreneurs in the Arab world, and explains how SILA will bring together entrepreneurs and angel investors to help kickstart the region's enterprise ecosystem (below).
According to Silatech CEO Dr. Tarik M. Yousef, by proving opportunities for young entrepreneurs, SILA will help Qatar to diversify away from reliance on traditional family business structures, promote social mobility, and help empower its citizens as it assumes increased prominence in the international arena (below).
Saleh Al Khulaifi of Qatar's Bedaya Center explains some of the ways in which the Center helps entrepreneurs to turn their dreams into reality (below).
Saleh Al Khulaifi of the Bedaya Center outlines how SILA's emphasis on helping "knowledge economy" enterprises will help Qatar to diversify its development (below).