Do You Want To Write on Wamda? Publish A Story and Win a Free WamdaCard Subscription

Do you love blogging? Have you been waiting for the right opportunity to go public with those notes piling up in Word files on your computer? Wamda is now giving you the ability to publish on its newly launched Community Blog in addition to a chance to win valuable prizes and get your post featured on our main page.
As we step into 2013, Wamda is launching the Best Community Blogpost Competition, giving you the opportunity to share your entrepreneurial highlights in 2012 and trends you hope to see in 2013.
The competition requires two parts. In the first part, you should address trends you witnessed in 2012, listing, for example, your favorite startups that launched in 2012 or the best events you attended.
In the second part, share your views on what 2013 will look like, touching upon themes you expect or hope to see in either the global or regional startup scene.
You can choose to write either in English or in Arabic. To get more familiar with how to contribute to the Wamda Community Blog, check this post here.
The competition's deadline is January 20, 2013 and the winner, who will receive a free subscription to the Wamda Card, will be announced one week later.
For some more tips on writing your blog, click here.
Blog on!