How to Ask Your Users for Feedback

No matter
which kind of venture you choose to build and invest your time and
skills in, there is no doubt that it’s in your best interest to win
the satisfaction of your customers, in order to become profitable,
scale and continue to succeed.
Thus, it's important to receive feedback and reactions from your
users and customers about the product you are offering. Here,
we examine a few models from the web to introduce and discuss best
feedback practices among big successful digital
One example is Facebook, which has divided and categorized its forms so that users can focus on a specific service. One aspect to notice is that when building forms like this, it's important to pay attention to the legal restrictions that organize the process of sending feedback, so that users are made aware of their rights and the feedback model is up to standards. If you have a separate section for help and technical support, be sure to guide the user to those pages, informing them clearly that feedback pages are only for general feedback, not technical support.

LinkedIn relies on a simple and direct model to retrieve feedback from its users. Their model is a small window that appears when you click on a button feedback. This button is a link that appears clearly on all pages on the website. LinkedIn offers this model in a creative way: inside the feedback box there is an expression that reads “My idea for LinkedIn is…”.
Simple ideas can sometimes be the most effective ones and maybe the most appealing too. The more you are interested in receiving feedback from your users and reading their visible comments, notably in the beginning, the more feedback your users will send you.There is no limit to what you can offer in terms of invention in the field of collecting user’s feedback. However, even if you are not planning to innovate in this field, you will be doing so by simply putting your contact information in an accessible section on the website. And that is an important feature that you should never forget.
Be sure your read each letter you receive from your customers, because each neglected letter is a lost opportunity that may never come again. If you have enough time, reply to several, because sometimes a simple reply can demonstrate your interest in your customers and will satisfy them very easily.