Does Madfoo3at’s deal with the Central Bank of Jordan signal a new startup-friendly era of government?

The relationship between startups and the government in Jordan is
complex. On the one hand, it’s one of the most well-established
entrepreneurship ecosystems in the Arab world, with the earliest
startup accelerator in the Middle East and a plethora of support
organizations that help to usher startups from idea phase to
expanding into the Gulf and abroad. The ICT sector in particular
has grown to supply a healthy 14% of Jordan’s GDP, and, as of last
year, had created 80,000 jobs.
On the other hand, this year has also seen the government dismiss
the protestations
of IT entrepreneurs against strict new censorship and press
laws, while rising electricity costs and an income tax hike from 14
to 25% have placed a bigger burden on fledgling companies.
Frustration hit fever pitch publicly when The Jordan Times
published an article documenting
Nour Khrais’s aspiration to move his gaming company Maysalward to
Turkey or Dubai, citing “challenges that are impossible to
overcome,” driven by government policy. Maysalward, which Khrais
founded over 12 years ago, is the biggest gaming company in Jordan
that’s still open (while three others have
closed for various reasons). With an internal culture that
rapidly trains talent, the company’s move loss would be a blow to
the local ICT ecosystem as well as a harbinger of bigger changes to
Yet the tides may be shifting, if the awarding of a government
tender to a startup is any indication.
Earlier this month, Madfoo3at, an online payment
platform based in Jordan, won a tender with the Central Bank, to
build, operate, and facilitate the country’s national electronic
bill payment gateway, Through the platform, citizens
in Jordan will be able to “inquire and pay bills for services in
telecommunications, water, electricity, education, health,
insurance, taxes, and, government fees, according to the Central
Bank’s website.
Winning the contract was no easy feat for the small startup, which
graduated from local accelerator Oasis500 in 2011, and secured
around $1 million in follow-on funding in early 2012 from
Oasis500’s venture capital arm, OV1 and several angel investors.
With only 15 employees, 4 of which are part-time, the payment
company was competing with five other companies, including one from
Egypt and one from Central Europe; a few were decades old with a
fully global scope.
“[Winning] was a big challenge for us,” explains Madfoo3at’s
founder, Nasser Saleh, “But it’s a turning point in the life of the
The advantage that Madfoo3at had, he says, was a focus solely on
payment software- “the other companies had a variety of products,”
a team with hands-on experience building payment platforms in the
U.S. and Saudi Arabia, and a partnership with EMP, a company that
manages Visa credit card processing in Jordan as well as the
country’s national ATM switch. “We provide the solution, the
software, and the skills to run it,” Saleh explains. EMP, which
takes a percentage of the revenue, under a joint venture agreement,
supplies the infrastructure and connectivity.
While EMP is larger, with 70 employees, lending more heft to
Madfoo3at’s proposal, the startup remains the main contractor. Over
the next year, Saleh expects that the payment company will scale to
40 employees, and begin targeting other markets, including Bahrain,
Oman, Kuwait, and the Maghreb, especially because “strong interest
is coming in from Algeria,” he says.
The fact that the Central Bank has chosen a local startup over much
larger, more established companies may signal new appreciation by
government ministries for the ICT sector.
It may also simply reflect Madfoo3at’s perseverance. Although
the company first tried to pitch to the Central Bank through
connections, management changes- thanks to Jordan’s revolving door
of governments- meant that any traction quickly evaporated with new
appointees. Yet the startup finally gained the Central Bank’s
attention by going back to that most traditional of methods: the
Sometimes, it’s just that simple. “We sent a fax, telling them,
this is, and they called us and said, we're really
interested to hear more,” Saleh explains.
“If there is a will, there is a way,” he advises entrepreneurs.
Resistance against policy can seem futile, but the battle for
startups in the Hashemite Kingdom is hardly over, and the Central
Bank’s move to acknowledge the need for online payment, and award a
tender to a startup is a step in the right direction.
Saleh urges his peers on: “Don't take it for granted that the
government will stop you, do your best, and you will do it.”