droidcon Tunisia 2016

droidcon Tunisia 2016, which has become a yearly gathering to explore the newest trends in mobile technologies and connect international speakers with local and international mobile developers, will take place on March 5 and 6 at Medina Mediterranea in Tunisia. The event is organized in partnership with the Ministry of Communication Technologies, the Digital Economy and Smart Tunisia project.
More than 35 confirmed talks and 25 confirmed speakers will be present, including: Carlos E. Jimenez, IEEE SSIT Distinguished Lecturer, Sangsoo Nam, Android Engineer at Spotify, Raddatz Collin CTO at PEY GmbH, Paresh Mayani, Technical Lead, Android @ LetsNurture India, Sebastian Witalek, Technical Evangelist at Telerik, Enrique López Mañas, an IT Consultor, Gautier Mechling, Software Craftsman at happn, Prajyot Mainkar, director at Androcid, Walid Sultan Midani, CEO & Founder at DigitalMania, and Hasan Hosgel, Senior Android Engineer at Kitchen Stories.
Check out the list of workshops here.
Check out the list of workshops here.
The event will contain five content pillars:
- Conferences/Workshops: A number of conferences will take place foccusing on gaming, artificial intelligence for mobile, UI/UX, cross platform development, Internet of Things, realtime in mobility, wearables, cloud services for mobiles or any other very interesting topic you propose.
- Investment: A full day and 10 meeting rooms will be reserved to entrepreneurs looking for investment. They will have the chance to pitch their projects to regional investors.
- Recruitment: droidcon is a great opportunity for companies to hire the best profiles. We will offer these recruiters the possibility to make job interviews and recruit Tunisian skills. Big names are joining including international groups from Germany.
- droidcon Award: 12+ members of juries will select the best apps for 2016 for the award of droidcon Tunisia.
- droidcon Junior: for the first time in a droidcon world-wide and exclusively in Tunisia, a one-day event for secondary school pupils will be held as a parallel event to coach them about how to initiate with android.
- At least 4 challenges will be organized about civil society, citizen life, social networks.
- The official launch of the International Technological Card will take place during the event in coordination with the APBTEF (the Tunisian Professional Association of Bankers and Financial Institutions).
- A small conferences about fintech will also take place.
- A challenge and a special training track will be organized with The Arab League for Education, Culture and Science Organisation (22 Arab Countries involved). Invitations to join will be sent to more than 600 educational structure (institutes, laboratories, universtities, etc.).
- Gaming workshops will be organized with Createc, an Artistic Gaming Organisation.
- A workshop on mobile security will be organized with the National IT Security Agency and the National Electronic Certification Agency.
- A parallel event for CIOs of the public sector will also be organized to educate them about the latest mobile trends.
Register here.