8 Survival Tips for First Time Fathers & Entrepreneurs

1. Don't panic. Focus.
When I quit my job to start my entrepreneurial journey, I didn't know that we were already blessed to have our first child coming along. Fear took hold of a part of me as the upcoming responsibility weighted on me, but I faced it. If you find yourself nervous about a new commitment, don't panic. Instead consider good news to be a great motivation.
2. Manage your partner
I wish everyone had a wife as supportive and understanding as I have. The problem with supportive people is that we tend to take them for granted. Make sure you don't. If you think you're going through a lot remember that your partner is probably going through much more. Just like at home, you need a strong team at your startup, and it's up to you to make it happen.
3. Take the morning shift
There’s no better wake up call than a baby wanting to eat! Use that and take the early morning shift. You'll be amazed by what you can achieve with the extra time you have when you're up and running by 7:00 am. Hit the coffee machine and go make the best of that new day!
4. Cash flow. Cash flow. Cash flow.
If cash is king for startups, it's the emperor for startups with a growing family on the side. Stories of entrepreneurs compromising quality of living for the greater good are abundant, yet this is not as feasible with a baby. Extra responsibilities force you to be smart and creative with resources, and- more entrepreneurial. If you can generate fast cash from small engagements, do it. But don't lose sight of your bigger goals.
5. Be smart in social activities
Meeting people has always been my favorite aspect of work and life. But it takes time, and time is a luxury you really don't have. As important as it can be, socializing has to be optimized just like everything else. Be selective in your activities and don't hesitate to say no to some.
6. Stay in shape
As the Arabic saying goes, a healthy mind is in a healthy body. You will need both of them to be at their best in order to stay operating at your best (or just operating). Sleep well, eat well, and don't skip working out. Even if you don't seem to have time, don't let it go. You can skip weight lifting, as you'll be doing plenty of that with a baby or when setting up an office, but don't skip a run or a swim three times a week.
7. Optimize
More to do in less time? Oh yeah... big time! Train yourself to take advantage of every single minute and optimize your performance. Kill your tasks as soon as they arise, or as soon as possible. Leverage technology to get organized and fast. Say No when you have to and when you say yes, make it as fast as you can.
8. You're blessed. Enjoy it!
The gift of life and the opportunity to pursue your own dreams are both priceless. Enjoy them to the max. Both are also fragile, demanding, and exhausting, but their reward can be worth every sacrifice that you make.