Wamda Leaders Rank on 2012 List of Most Influential Arabs

Both Wamda Chairman Fadi Ghandour and Wamda CEO Habib Haddad made the 2012 list of the world's most influential Arabs, published today by Arabian Business.
They ranked #45 and #134 respectively on the list, affirming the influence of entrepreneurs on the global community.
Lebanon, Habib's country of origin, contributed the most members to the list, with 85 total Lebanese on the list, followed by Saudi Arabia with 67 and Egypt with 58.
Several women making strides for women's entrepreneurship were also on the list. Ranking third on the list was Reem Asaad, a Saudi woman who has campaigned for the right to let women work in lingerie shops in the Kingdom, creating 44,000 jobs for women and paving a potential new route for female entrepreneurs.
Hayat Sindi, who Wamda interviewed in April about her initiative to promote imagination and ingenuity in Saudi Arabia, also made the list at #19.
The list also contains many other entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship support figures including, among others, Muna AbuSulayman, Usama Fayyad, Fawaz Zu'bi, Randa Ayoubi, Abdulsalam Haykal. Get inspired by more entrepreneurial role models here.