Why Bee Labs' new game is one of the hottest from the Arab world this year

Jordan’s Bee Labs is determined to crack the Arab gaming
market. Of all of the games that have launched in the Arab world
this year, they may just have the best shot with their latest
title ShibShib War, a fun and challenging title that might
put a dent in a global market. But can they find a revenue model
that works?
As we
discussed in April, the Bee Labs team initially launched early
this year to focus on educational games. Its founders, Tamer
Qarrain and Zaidoun Karadsheh, who previously founded Amman-based
digital agency Media Plus, and Moaiad Zaidan, their partner at
animation studio Sketch in Motion, wanted to build Arabic
edutainment applications for kids, to fill an underserved
Yet after launching seven games in the their first six months, they
simply didn't find the traction that they were seeking, and decided
to apply their animation talent to a ShibShib War, a casual game
that focuses on a war with invading aliens. The game, now available
for iOS and Android, is
building an audience more quickly than any previous
Why so popular? A look at the fun gameplay
Other recent games, such as Survival Race and Captain Oil, respectively built by
Lebanon's Wixel Studios and Game Cooks, are arguably more
creative than ShibShib War. Yet players are going crazy for the
game, perhaps due to its familiar gameplay; at first, as some
reviewers on the Apple Store have pointed out, it seems
similar to Angry Birds.
The game takes place in specific countries in the Arab world,
beginning in Jordan, where a sassy protagonist hurls an insulting
sandal at invading alien ships. In a series of unlockable levels,
the hero takes on these alien ships, against a background of
supporting characters and interactive obstacles that have a local
flair; at one point, a street sign listing Amman’s famous Rainbow
Street can be toppled over to hit an enemy.
Qarrain denies that the application resembles Angry Birds; to him,
the game is “totally different”, especially when trying the later
levels. The gameplay is a bit different, in that the aliens can
fire back (they can't in Angry Birds), and the hero can also use
advanced weapons to defeat the alien ships, which crack and smoke
when damaged (here, the founders’ animation prowess is on display).
In general, it has a less cartoony, more local feel than Angry
Thus far, it's seeing a very healthy 3,000 downloads a day, mostly from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the U.S. and Jordan.
Finding their stride
While ShibShib War is Bee Labs’ first serious non-educational foray into the global gaming market, after a very simple game called Sheep Run, Qarrain admits that they are really still experimenting to find the right formula. This is particularly evident by the fact that they are maintaining two completely separate game streams: educational and “culturally relevant” games.
Their current focus on a universal title is telling of some of the challenges they’ve faced in meeting market demand; monetization in particular.
“We’re trying every style of revenue
model,” says Qarrain, attributing previously low downloads to the
paid model they introduced with their first educational games. Now,
with ShibShib, they’re trying a lite demo version with the option
to purchase the full game for $0.99 (which adds 120 unlockable
levels and new weapons).
Despite the traction, it still hasn’t hit the viral download point
they were hoping for. “To be
honest, ShibShib War is our first attempt, but for me, it’s just
the beginning. The next game we are working on is going to be much,
much better in terms of quality and gameplay,” says Qarrain. That
game will also follow a freemium model with in-app
As the team uses their own personal
funding, and resources from Sketch in
Motion and Media Plus, to build apps, they're also looking to
outside partnerships, now in talks with MBC and Samsung to
advertise and possibly share game revenues.
They're not the only studio to diversify its offering as its chases
the right revenue model; as Bee Labs launches a casual game, Wixel
Studios is now diversifying
into education in order to, similarly, discover what will
entice the market.
Implications for the industry
“In Jordan the gaming industry was booming, and all of a sudden some of the main companies shut down. I understand that it’s challenging to monetize, but we’re giving it a shot,” says Qarrain.
Perhaps this sentiment reveals some key questions that developers in the Arab gaming industry must ask themselves. Is a specific monetization strategy or strong marketing the key to success? Or is the app itself the most important piece?
Steve Jobs once said, “A lot of times, people don't know what they want until you show it to them." (Yes, I just saw the Jobs movie.) In a sense, this is similar to the old adage, “build it and they will come.” But in the startup world, this is very rarely true, especially in gaming. Sometimes people create a game they would want to play themselves, hoping it will go viral, but nobody bites. Other times people tinker and release several titles quickly, and one happens to take off, seemingly at random; Rovio famously created Angry Birds after 51 other failed apps.
So is there a secret sauce to creating an insanely profitable game? Unfortunately, the answer is no. There are sensible strategies, basic development and gameplay standards, and marketing prowess that can help get you into the best possible position when sharing your app with the world. But, ultimately, the success of that app is in the hands of consumers and proper timing.
Qarrain sums this fact up well, when he candidly admits, “You are funding and investing money into something that is, in a way, gambling because you can’t perfectly estimate or predict what the consumer will be attracted to.”