Saudi Arabia's 20 most popular Twitter users

Previously published on
25 Trends, a regional social media analytics company, has put together a list of the top 20 most influential Saudi tweeps (slang for Twitter user) for 2014. Influence index is similar to a Klout score, based on number of followers, number of verified followers, retweets, number of tweets, and other indices.
20. LoveLiberty: influence index range 746.42, and 12,626 retweets.
19. KSASociety: influence index range 875.78, and 7,371 retweets.
18. TopSaudiNews: influence index range 1106.52, and 8,457 retweets.
17. YaserSh_: influence index range 1193.55, and 7,917 retweets.
saudi a16. STC_KSA: influence index range 1347.51 5,006 retweets.
15. Sa3dies: influence index range 1573.93, and 90,202 retweets.
14. Saudalshureem: influence index range 1611.55, and 17,019 retweets.
13. SaudiNews50: influence index range 2287.39, and 11,500 retweets.
12. XCX0XC: influence index range 2306, and 349,597 retweets.
11. F_grooup: influence index range 2702.02, and 134,484 retweets.
10. HashKSA: influence index range 3196.43, and 18,220 retweets.
9. Salman_alodah: influence index range 3696.74, and 19,609 retweets.
8. ALMRISEUL: influence index range 4193.36, and 20,429 retweets.
7. Dr_alqarnee: influence index range 4647.97, and 34,305 retweets.
6. SamiAljaber: influence index range 5731.56, and 12,697 retweets.
5. NabilAlawadhy: influence index range 5755.23, and 12,673 retweets.
4. Waleedalfarraj: influence index range 9629.86, and 10,034 retweets.
3. A_Bin_Mosaad: influence index range 14033.45, and 14,923 retweets.
2. MohamadAlarefe: influence index range 14355.6, and 27,175 retweets.
1. Faisalbinturki1: influence index range 44768.37, and 23,385 retweets.