Start Your Own Business Workshop
The Amideast Entrepreneur Institute is launching its upcoming ‘Start Your Own Business’ workshop.
The workshop is 3 months long starting September 14, 2016 and ending December 21, 2016. The workshop will take place at the Amideast offices in Downtown Beirut (sessions will be held every Wednesday from 6PM until 9PM). The fee for attending the workshop is $600, with options for (limited) scholarships and payment facilities.
Comprised of 15 weekly in-class sessions of 3 hours each, the workshop is complemented by an online platform and educational material, participant workbook, video resources, and exercises. Moreover, a number of local successful entrepreneurs and industry experts will be attending the sessions, providing insights and mentorship while answering questions about their venture as entrepreneurs.
For further information on how to apply visit this website, or feel free to contact the organizers directly via phone through +961 (0)1-989901 ext. 234 or on this email:
Registration deadline Wednesday September 7, 2016
Upon completion participants will continue to receive support through a number of ongoing activities including: additional training sessions networking opportunities.