Innovative Palestine in the UAE: People and Potential

The International Conference on Entrepreneurship in Palestine (ICEP) 4.0 showcasing the Palestinian startup community in a pitch event and panel discussions will take place on 1 November 2022 at the Museum of the Future in Dubai.
As the ecosystem continues to develop, startups in Palestine are geared towards growth and export into the GCC region and beyond. Endowed with young, talented entrepreneurs and with a comparative edge in Arabic content and resiliency in innovation, Palestinian entrepreneurs are keen on showcasing their innovative companies, and look to the UAE as a springboard to the region through partnerships, mentorship and investment.
During the event, panelists from Palestine and the region will put context to the make-up of innovative Palestine: its talented people, its potential and welcoming ecosystem.
This first event in Dubai will also feature 22 startups who will pitch their ideas and provide an opportunity to network and engage with the founders of these startups.