Moroccan Startup LaCartePlz Debuts Online Food Ordering in Rabat

Among the things I love most about my job are
the innovation and creativity, but also contact and interaction
with people like real entrepreneurial skills. In this category,
you’ll find Yassine
El Kachchani, the 26-year-old founder and CEO of a new startup
based in Rabat, Morocco called (pronounced “La
Carte, please,” using the French word for menu), a real-time
web application that connects restaurants to their clients, without
fax, email, or phone calls, just via a notification system.
El Kachchani and I had a sunny lunch together last Wednesday in the capital, Rabat, discussing his career and entrepreneurship in Morocco. I had then the privilege to visit's headquarters and discover a team of six young amazing “startup-ers” in their mid-20s: Nada, Yassine, Kovi, El Hosseine, Anouar and Anasse.
After graduating in Software Engineering, El Kachchani started his career at Logica in Casablanca in August 2009. A few months later, in October 2009, he founded a web development company called FlexCible and started working on on May 2011. A month later, he left his comfortable full-time in engineering to focus 100% on his startup.
Success came quickly; in August 2011, won the
PNB-NAPEO youth entrepreneurship
competition organized by the U.S. state department in partnership
with the American Arab chamber of commerce and Wayne State
University. With this victory, won four months of
incubation at TechTown
in Michigan. In January 2012, raised
1 million MAD (about US $111,000) from new finance vehicle
INTILAK (إنطلاق)
at the Centre Marocain de
l’Innovation (CMI), a Moroccan governmental initiative that
encourages innovation and research and development.
The concept of is very simple: users place orders
online for food delivery or takeaway and then pay online or at
delivery, and follow the status of their order. They can also chat
with the restaurant employee managing their order, via a tablet or
a notebook.
For users, it means a wider choice of restaurants for lunch or dinner, less time spent looking for menus and phone numbers and no more mistakes when placing their orders. Thanks to multiple features that make placing orders quick, easy, and highly flexible, a users can save carts for later use, plan orders for a future date and time, and rate and review their favorite dishes.
For partners (restaurants, cafés, fast-food joints, etc.), it means multiple and simultaneous orders received, a wider client reach, less time spent answering the phone and less clients lost due to a busy phone line. The restaurants can manage the orders they receive quickly through a dashboard that gives details on each order like the location of the delivery addresses or other specifications ordered by the clients.
“The original idea behind was simply to build a directory of all restaurants in Rabat,” says Yassine El Kachchani. “Then the idea evolved and became the concept that we now offer.” The business model is also very simple: takes a commission on each transaction. Other revenue sources will be considered as business develops.
I’ve had the privilege to be one of the private beta testers. The service is only available in Rabat for the time being but will soon be extended to other cities like Casablanca or Marrakesh. From what I have seen, I can honestly say that it’s one of the most promising startups in Morocco. Being a real gourmet, I’m seduced by the concept, the web interface, the design and some features, especially the possibility to manage several delivery addresses and choose one of them when traveling or working in another city than the one where you’re mainly based in.
“After rating and comparison websites and online menus and directories, is the logical next step in the food business, says Yassine El Kachchani. “It’s a real-time channel between restaurants and their clients, and a disruptive way of doing business in a sector that hadn’t known changes this big in decades.” The team also plans to expand soon in the coming four years to other cities in the Middle East and North Africa, like Beirut, Istanbul and Tunis.
The official launch of is scheduled for the end of Ramadan. El Kachchani will then prepare himself to go to Michigan TechTown for 4 months of incubation, mentoring and coaching. Good luck to CEO Yassine ( @Kachchani), marketing managers Nada (@chakernada) and Anasse (@AnasseLoubaris), developers Kovi (@kap_joel) and El Hosseine (@HoussineKT), and designer Ringa (@ringa_r). If you're in Morocco soon, let us know your thoughts on “eating smart” with
For now, check out my interview with the team below (English), and a video explaining LaCartePlz (French), and see their Twitter (@lacarteplz), Facebook, and YouTube channels for more.
11th July 2012 - A visit to from Karim Jazouani on Vimeo.