12 Stats Every Employer in the Middle East Should Know

Bayt.com recently polled professionals from across the Middle East and North Africa and compiled the below list of takeaways from their survey’s findings.
Check out the stats below to see how employees feel in the work place and what they may be expecting from their employer.
1) It’s possible to alleviate employee stress by understanding its sources.
The primary sources of stress for MENA professionals are poor pay (16.1%), poor management (15.6%), poor work environment (15%), and poor work/life balance (14.5%).
2) Flexibility is at a premium.
22.7% of MENA employees would favor a flexi-time arrangement with same hours over any other arrangements, such as work-from-home arrangement (10.4%), a flextime arrangement with less hours (7.3%), a year-long sabbatical (6.1%), a few weeks of unpaid leave (4.4%) or a part-time work arrangement (0.7%).
3) Poor work-life balance results in unhappy, unhealthy employees.
27% of MENA employees maintain that what has suffered most from their current work-life balance is their mental health and happiness.
4) Work-life balance can tip the scale.
88.3% of MENA professionals would consider changing their job for a better work-life balance.
5) Most MENA professionals enjoy their jobs.
49.1% of MENA professionals say they enjoy their jobs “on most days” and a further 24.8% say they enjoy their job “but only on some days”.
6) You can retain your best talent.
For 26.6% of MENA professionals ‘a competitive salary and benefits package’ tops the list among factors that influence employee-retention. Performance recognition (17.7%) and good manager-employee relationship (17.6%) come second/third on the list.
7) To keep your best team, make them feel more secure.
An overwhelming 86.1% of MENA professionals say that if companies offered reasonable job security, it would positively influence retention from ‘some’ to a ‘very large extent’.
8) To find your talent match, post your vacancies where they are looking.
32.5% of MENA professionals say that they found their last job through online job portals. By posting your vacancies on these mediums you can ensure that they get the maximum exposure. The landscape is just as encouraging in the case of senior professionals, 50.5% of MENA employers say that they recruit senior executive talent online.
9) It’s essential to design and share a clear career path for your talent.
39.2% of MENA professionals say that there are no clear opportunities for advancement and promotion in their company.
10) What professionals like most about their job is…
The top reasons given by MENA professionals for liking their current job include: 14% of professionals say it’s their work responsibilities, 13.5% say it’s the company’s work culture, 12.8% say it’s the work-life balance and 12.8% say it’s the management.
11) Reduced Absenteeism = Improved Productivity
It is understood that absenteeism is very crippling to an organization – 58.2% of MENA employees agree it is very harmful and only 47% of MENA respondents think the absenteeism level in their company is low. Low job satisfaction (23%), lack of responsibility (23%), de-motivation (12%) and bad employee/manager relations (9%) are cited as the top reasons for absenteeism.
12) To find top talent, train the recruiters to identify it.
Interview training is not provided to all those involved in the recruitment process, according to 41.9% of MENA professionals. This vital training is important in helping direct managers and those involved in the recruitment process spot the real stars in the candidate pool.