4 ways to increase sales on your e-commerce site

Which e-commerce website owner doesn’t dream of higher sales numbers?
Making a plan and building a skilled team to increase sales on your website is not an easy mission, but it’s not impossible either. All you need is to focus, clear rules that suit your project, and a serious plan for implementation them. Below are four things to think about:
1. Prepare the right answers for any and all questions
This is known as “objections handling.” Potential clients ask many questions before buying, either directly on the website or elsewhere on or offline. It’s better to publish answers in advance on a FAQ page. Some commonly asked questions are:
- What does your product do?
It is important to show not only that your products provide a solution to the customer’s problem, but also to show them how.
- Why should I buy from you and not your competitor?
Clients often compare available products before buying. So knowing your competitors’ products will help you prepare answers to convince your clients that yours are the ones they should buy.
- Why should I buy now and not later?
- Why do you charge so much / so little?
- Why should I trust your new company?
- Can I trust your guarantee?
If your answers to these questions aren’t convincing, you might lose sales in the present or future term.
2. Develop the skills of your most talented sales people
Instruct your team to follow the following advice:
- Help your clients get the products they need even if they’re
not available on your platform. Clients’ trust will lead to
long-term results.
- Remember the small details about your clients. Details are the
key to building a long and strong relationship with them.
- Be loyal to your customers. This is one of the major qualities that will help you keeping them. If you make the promise to a client to sell him a product exclusively, keep your promise.
3. Develop your sales team internally
For less experienced salespeople, work on helping develop the following skills:
- Verse your sales team in frequently asked client questions
- Set specific, achievable and easy goals at the beginning by
starting with the interested clients.
- “Thank” and “you” are the magic words to motivate your employees, regardless of their achievment. Frequently use it with your sales team when they deserve it.
4. Evaluate your sales plan and update it constantly
The experiences of your sales team and clients’ comments will provide you with useful experiences and information that will help you develop your sales plan in particular in the following ways:
- If you have adopted the method of direct selling, explore other
methods like sales through intermediaries, or mobile or e-stores to
target new customers.
- Constantly try to simplify the purchase process; this will
allow the customer to make purchases more quickly.
- Ask your sales team to choose keywords that have helped them
quickly close deals, share them with other team members, and
continuously update this list.
- Current clients that are happy with your service will lead you to new ones. This is your chance to expand your client network, and to use former clients’ recommendations to facilitate any new sales process.
Also, pay attention to your sales statistics as they can be excellent indicators of what to focus on, and when.