Startup with Purpose

Startup With Purpose has recently announced that it will be hosting its first week-long entrepreneurship bootcamp at King’s Academy in Madaba, Jordan from July 30 to August 6, 2017.
Their goal is to facilitate a student-led movement around the world and use entrepreneurship, teamwork, and innovation to combat contemporary social and economic issues.
At the Startup With Purpose boot camp participants will be encouraged to form intellectually diverse teams to ideate, form teams, and build commercially scalable products.
In addition, participants will have the opportunity to attend lectures from leading academics in the field of entrepreneurship from the University of California, Berkeley, Stanford University, and other top-tier academic institutions, as well as regional and global business leaders.
The program will culminate with a “pitch day”, where representatives from each team will have the opportunity to pitch their ideas and companies to a panel of experts and venture capitalists.
Through Startup With Purpose we hope that our participants go on to found successful companies, lead productive regional and global initiatives, and live productive lives of purpose.
All aspiring entrepreneurs, students and refugees are highly encouraged to apply for the program, and ‘Startup with Purpose’.
Attendees will be expected to board at King’s Academy and work for the duration of the program. The cost of attendance if admitted is USD 1,500 for international participants or JOD 1065 for participants coming from Jordan. A financial aid application will be available upon admittance if requested. The program fee covers all expenses including food, housing, transportation, and excursions. Participants are responsible for their own transportation to and from Jordan.
Admissions will be granted on a rolling basis through July 1, 2017.
To apply, please visit this link here