Crowdsourced tools for startups: a master list

Startups looking for extra resources to help them scale should check out this list of crowdsourced tools for startups, compiled by Tom Hulme, a design director at IDEO in London, and founder of OpenIDEO, a platform for solving social challenges.
As he’s worked with startups, both as a founder of a company that commercialized magnetic filtration innovation, as an angel investor, he’s collected this master list, which addresses Business Models, Strategy and Pricing, Collaboration, UX & Design, Development, Recruiting, Funding, and Operations (click the Google Drive icon in the corner to see a larger version). Hulme also asks users to add their own ideas to his editable Google document.
For more tools for thinking about startup challenges, Hulme’s Weiji blogalso offers a look at the challenges that various companies have faced, presenting the wei (danger) in their scaling process, and then the ji (opportunity) or solution that they implement.
He’s also spoken about ways to Launch Your Next Idea Before It’s Ready (a very quick reminder about how to adopt a lean approach).
And for those who have time to burn and want to watch something more philosophical about crowdsourcing, Hulme’s video below discusses the ways in which startups in the collaborative economy are growing by serving not just materialistic needs, but human needs to feel esteem and belong to a community, based upon Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. He also discusses ways to implement open innovation and derive useful answers from the crowd.