Insights, reports and interviews from the Mena region
Although entrepreneurs with mentors tend to have more access to strategic resources, nearly half of the entrepreneurs don’t have a mentor.
Higher percentages of mentored entrepreneurs received access to angel investment, venture capital firms, and incubators than non-mentored entrepreneurs.
3-fold increase in investments in startups between 2009 and 2012.
76% of surveyed entrepreneurs intend to deepen or expand their activities over the next two years into other countries.
68% of EdTech startups in MENA cite a lack of funding as key challenge.
58% of EdTech startups come from Jordan and Egypt.
Of startups that have 3-year compound annual employment growth rate, 50% demonstrate at least 20% annual employment growth.
60% of MENA entrepreneurship experts agree that scaling is the most challenging development phase for entrepreneurs in the region.
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