Why every child in the Middle East should be taught to code Coauthored by Carine Abi Akar and Nafez Dakkak. Ever since the successful launch of Facebook in 2004, and perhaps as early as the first... Nafez Dakkak • 21 May, 2013 Coding EdTech Education
Lebanon Apply now to the SE Factory bootcamp in Beirut Bader Young Entrepreneurs Program and the Nawaya Network are collaborating to launch a new coding academy in... Wamda • 04 March, 2016 helping communities SE factory Apply
Meet Palestine's pioneering female coder, who just won in an international gaming competition Rasha Hussein is one of the Arab world's women entrepreneurs to watch. The first time I met her, she was leading a room full of tech geeks... Nina Curley • 02 May, 2013 Coding Augmented Reality EdTech