10 tips for adopting the right entrepreneurial mindset

I genuinely believe that entrepreneurship is both a science and an art. The science will fast track your success but won’t get you there. The art will get you there but will take you a lot of time as you stumble through mistakes and learn the science along the way. Of course the path to success involves both.
Being in the online education space as the founder of eduudle, an online
massive open online course (MOOC) aggregation platform, and having
done my masters focusing on entrepreneurship, innovative business
models, and multi-sided platforms, I love involving multimedia in
learning. In future posts, I hope to go through each of these 10
commandments in detail, involving MOOCs and YouTube videos that can
help startups get to where they need to go.
Here are my 10 commandments for iterating towards success:
- Know thyself: Before deciding to start a
company, the most important thing of all is to understand yourself:
what you care about, your weaknesses and strengths, what keeps you
up at night, what you’re passionate about. That takes time; you’ll
probably start your first idea without putting introspection first,
but when if it fails, you might understand that the idea wasn’t the
best fit for you. It’s not because you failed, or that you gave up,
but you’ll learn about yourself in the process. That’s smart.
- Dare to dream: Your success is a function of
how big your dream is. Are you just another copy-cat, or do you
dream of changing the world? Which dream do you think will help you
attract the best team on the planet, and where do you think VC
money will flow?
- Get technical: It drives me nuts when a
co-founder defines his or her role as the owner of the idea and
they want to hire a team to implement it. Know this for a fact:
ideas are worth nothing. Share them when possible and you’ll be
lucky if someone gives you feedback. If you don’t prove your
technical worth, often no one will join you.
- Execute quickly: It’s incredibly easier to
kick-start a business today than it was 10 years ago. One of the
last things you should focus on in the very beginning is a business
plan or financial model. Well, it’s good to have a plan and a
model, but once you execute it, you’ll realize that the plan is
bound to change. It’s better to iterate often in the beginning and
evolve your plan based upon testing, rather than stick to a piece
of paper.
- Iterate fast: It’s critical to adopt a
culture of experimentation and adapt quickly to stakeholders’
feedback. One of my mentors was one of the first people to join HP
and Intel and then moved to set up a Venture Capital firm in
Silicon Valley. Based on a study he conducted with a team of other
VCs, he concluded that startups that don’t pivot within the first
six months after their seed fundraising round end up failing.
- Build a likeminded and excellent, yet diverse
co-founder team: A “B” team with an “A” idea in an “A”
market will likely be too slow to execute. An “A” team with a “B”
idea in a “B” market might execute more quickly, pivoting and
finding a niche where they can wipe out existing competition. An
“A” team includes those who are just that much more passionate and
skilled than the average of their peers. It’s also important to
seek a world-class advisory board of experienced individuals who
are willing to chip in personal contacts and resources when they
- Hustle: Never take ‘no’ for an answer. If
you’re crazy enough to think you can change the world, some of the
rational people around might write you off as mad. Always ask the
question “what would it take you to…?”, adding “join the team,”
“give us free service,” “buy our product,” “finance the startup”
…etc. They’ll give you a milestone to hit; once you do so,
get back to them. The more you can convince those around you
that it’s worthwhile, the better you’ll be able to pitch to
potential investors and partners.
- Persevere: There is no such thing as an
overnight success story. There was a team in Finland that built 51
online/mobile games. Most of them failed, some had mediocre
performance and their 52nd attempt was the infamous
Angry Birds.
- Continue to learn: Luckily, we live in an
age when access to information is becoming cheaper and cheaper,
thanks to Google and the like. Even better, education is becoming a
human right for all., as companies like Coursera, Udacity, edx,
Udemy and 50+ others are bringing world-class education to anyone,
anytime, anywhere. While this makes it easier to learn about the
latest technologies and methodologies out there, it also makes it
easier for your competition. By the time you’ve graduated from
university, what you’ve learned may already be outdated, so be sure
to endorse a lifelong learning lifestyle as an individual and at
your startup.
- Share your own 10 commandments: When you learn from a mistake, write it down and share it with others so that you make sure not to repeat the mistake again. Hopefully, you’ll have your own 10 commandments for each stage of the business.