U.A.E A fractal view of event technology Fractal Systems is a Dubai based company loading up exhibitions, airports, and event venues with samplings of holograms, drones, sliding... Archana Menon • 18 September, 2016 MEMakersGE fractel robotics
Beirut-based Myki launches authentication solution at Techcrunch Disrupt Take 5,000 plus attendees, a gigantic waterfront pier and some of the biggest names in Silicon Valley, and you get Techcrunch Disrupt San... Bérénice Magistretti • 15 September, 2016 MyKi techcrunch lebanon
Regional Why you should participate in as many hackathons as you can Most of the time, entrepreneurs spend their days in a professional work setting. The same one every day. They practice the same set of... Maya Rahal • 15 September, 2016 hackathon MIT Media Lab lessons
Regional Startup Watch: glass ceilings, Gods and Men, and death to the MVP The world of entrepreneurship news is a complex one, with people ever ready to give their two cents on how you should be running your... Rachel Williamson • 15 September, 2016 Startup Watch MOBAltyics falafel games
Global Vinli, now part of the US vehicle supply chain Just 10 months after Vinli started shipping their connected car platform, the connected car startup has announced a partnership with a... Lucy Knight • 14 September, 2016 Vinli IoT MEMakersGE
Regional The top 10 games of Game Zanga 6 For the sixth year in a row, game developers across the MENA region got a chance to flex their creative muscles and engage in a bit of... Omar Al Fil • 14 September, 2016 game zanga game tako developers itcho.io
Lebanon The secret toll of entrepreneurship Ali Chehade-Farhat’s Facebook page reads like the textbook success story every entrepreneur wants to have as their own. On one... Brooke Anderson • 14 September, 2016 depression dark side lebanon
Lebanon Powering up your beach experience Growing up in a country that sits along the Mediterranean coast, the beach is staple in the country’s summer activities. For many,... Dana Ballout • 14 September, 2016 Beachill lebanon solar energy
Regional Why do Middle East startups ignore Maghreb? What does a person in Doha have in common with a person in Tunis? Not much, especially when it comes to online services. As much as... Aline Mayard • 13 September, 2016 Maghreb middle east careem
Egypt A list of Egyptian startup investors We have compiled a list of 16 different investors to whom Egyptian entrepreneurs can pitch their product. Since 2015, a number of... Eduard Cousin • 13 September, 2016 Egypt A15 Sawari Ventures
Regional Sparks fly when girls meet tech [WamdaTV] It’s not up to young women to be interested in technology, but up to their teachers to find ways to make the subject appealing to... Rachel Williamson • 13 September, 2016 STEM junkbot Eureka Tech Academy
Jordan Amman Design Week breathes life into the city and its people Amman is a city of concrete. There is barely a body of water or extensive greenery. It is arid, hilly with very little vibrant color. So... Tala El Issa • 12 September, 2016 Amman Design Week Jordan makerspaces
Global What I know about bootstrapping hardware: Luke Iseman For years now the Lean methodology has been all the rage: bootstrap, get a viable minimum product, ship it without further ado, see the... Aline Mayard • 12 September, 2016 YCombinator Hardware Bootstrapping
Egypt 3 failures and a job: how Bio Energy Egypt hit success Bio Energy Egypt founder Mahmoud Galal failed three times and took a corporate job before he succeeded at being an entrepreneur. But all... Rachel Williamson • 11 September, 2016 Dayra Egypt Bio Energy Egypt
Regional Wadi's PR pitch to disappointed gamers Ecommerce platform Wadi is using the worldwide fallout from a much-anticipated game as a way to boost customer loyalty in their UAE and... Aline Mayard • 11 September, 2016 Gaming Wadi.com No Man's Sky
Global US digital health startup gets Hikma Ventures funding Hikma Ventures announced today their participation in a $47.6 million Series B round for Chrono Therapeutics. Chrono is a US-based... Lucy Knight • 08 September, 2016 Investment Hikma Ventures MEMakersGE