How the founder of Hmizate raised $1.6 million in a plane There’s a saying that finding an investor is like finding a spouse; as a startup, you’re looking for a long term partner, that will bring n... Aline Mayard • 06 August, 2013 Daily Deals Hmall Venture Capital
5 common PR mistakes to avoid at your startup One of the hardest things about putting together a startup is actually putting down what makes you great, different, fascinating and... Alexander McNabb • 06 August, 2013 Branding PR Marketing
How to teach the Arts: Debunking the myth of creativity Part I. In our shared imagination, a true artist is a vagabond with manic-depressive traits caught in bad habits. They are someone whose... Oubai Elkerdi • 06 August, 2013 Art Advice Education
Women entrepreneurs in the Gulf get a boost from new support programs It's well known that many women entrepreneurs in the Gulf face obstacles trying to join the workforce. At our Wamda for Women roundtables... Ahmed Gabr • 06 August, 2013 Training Financial management Women
Opinion: Why hiring an MBA- or getting one- isn't a bad thing This is an opinion piece written by Kia Davis, who advises startups throughout the Middle East and Africa. “To value your company, add $1 ... Kia Davis • 05 August, 2013
Data, women, and failure: Wamda launches new topics Small things get us excited at Wamda. Last week, we quietly redesigned our sidebar, shifting to new categories that reflect the ways we... Nina Curley • 05 August, 2013 Wamda News
What is your favorite online advertising method? Note: This piece has been adapted from its Arabic original. Sometimes it pays to look beyond the surface of... Ahmed Gabr • 05 August, 2013 Advertising Social Media Marketing
Is mandatory military service hurting entrepreneurship in Egypt? Imagine what the world would be like if Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg had all been forced to spend three years in... Jonathan Kalan • 05 August, 2013 Government Ecosystem Legal
Leading Egyptian content portal switches to horizontal navigation: a model to follow? Websites adopting designs originally made for desktop screens often look cluttered on tablets and mobile. As smartphone and tablet use... Maya Rahal • 04 August, 2013 Egypt User Experience Design
How do you increase brand engagement on social media? We ask the crowd [Wamda TV] [Arabic] At Oventure’s annual Mashable Social Media Day Egypt in Alexandria last June, the day’s discussions covered a range of social media... Hanan Solayman • 04 August, 2013 Social Networks Social Media
How Algeria's mobile operators fare on social media [Infographic] A strong social networking strategy can be a game-changer in any industry. Mobile operators for example, many of which have been around... Aline Mayard • 04 August, 2013 Telecommunication Infographic Social Media
Why sharing your ideas can change the world: The power of email I bet you’ve had at least one great idea pop into your head during the last couple of weeks, and I also bet you didn’t do anything about it... Abdullah Alshalabi • 04 August, 2013 Advice
How to Pitch and Get Funded - Live Webinar If you're raising funds for your startup, or are even thinking about it, you won’t want to miss this free webinar cohosted... Wamda • 02 August, 2013 Pitching Advice
Weekly Wrap-Up: July 28-August 01 This week, our top articles gave a general, macro view of workspace and social networks dynamics. How do you keep up with what's happening... Wamda • 01 August, 2013 Weekly Wrap-Up
Moroccan iftars à la geek: a look at how the Maghreb ecosystem is developing In Morocco, the geek and startup social life doesn’t stop during Ramadan. Au contraire! Two major events take place during the holy month: t... Fatim Zahra Biaz • 01 August, 2013 Talks Marrakech Casablanca
Would you outsource your startup's social media presence? We ask the crowd [Wamda TV] [Arabic] Last June, Oventure organized the annual Mashable Social Media Day Egypt in Alexandria, with discussions on social media including ... Hanan Solayman • 01 August, 2013 Social Media