Weekly Wrap-Up: July 7-11 Wamda launches in French! This week, we were especially thrilled to announce taking the French version of the platform live. In addition to... Wamda • 11 July, 2013 Weekly Wrap-Up
Egyptian startups stranded by HSBC account closures As if Egypt’s current political situation hasn’t done enough to disrupt business as usual for the country’s growing Small and Medium Enter... Jonathan Kalan • 11 July, 2013 Banks Financial systems Egypt
What can the Bank of Palestine do to better support startups? [Wamda TV] At the recent World Economic Forum Meeting on the Middle East and North Africa in the Dead Sea, Jordan this May, we tried to... Nina Curley • 11 July, 2013 Banks Corporate Entrepreneurship Responsibility Ecosystem
Wamda asks: could a sudden ban on unlimited 3G in Morocco actually help entrepreneurs? This month has been surprising for the subscribers of Maroc Telecom, the leading Moroccan mobile phone carrier. After a few weeks of... Aline Mayard • 11 July, 2013 3G Internet growth
How the Arab world uses Facebook and Twitter during Ramadan [Infographic] During Ramadan, netizens tend to spend more time surfing the web, especially on social media channels. Engagement with regional brands in... Maya Rahal • 11 July, 2013 Digital Advertising Social Networks Social Media
5 Arabic health platforms that help users stay healthy during Ramadan Do you have plans to maintain a healthy lifestyle during Ramadan? Those who are can find advice on a variety of Arabic online portals and... Maya Rahal • 11 July, 2013 Arabic Content Mobile
Car service Careem expands to Doha, Riyadh, discusses Uber UPDATE: After hinting that this would be the case, Careem is also now live in Riyadh. Its initial fleet consists of SUVs, and... Nina Curley • 10 July, 2013 Scaling Expansion
Gazan entrepreneur builds online platform to unite Palestine's professionals [Wamda TV] [Arabic] One new startup in Gaza is looking to unite all of Palestine’s professionals in one accessible online network. Entrepreneur I... Mariam Hamed • 10 July, 2013 Incubator Networking Accelerators
6 tips from a French entrepreneur for launching in the Arab world This piece is part of a new series on expat entrepreneurs. We've recently discussed how some European entrepreneurs have moved... Aline Mayard • 10 July, 2013 Retail Expatriate entrepreneurs
Cairo's Startup Cup put on hold; what's next for its semifinalists? Where can you find a team of 20-year-old Space Studies graduates working on an organic waste processing plant to improve a... Jonathan Kalan • 10 July, 2013 Egypt Competitions
Turkish startups CloudArena, HemenKiralik and Evim.net set to expand after securing millions in investment Turkish startups CloudArena, HemenKiralik, and Evim.net recently secured millions in investment from Istanbul-based 212 Ltd. Ventures and... Glen Dalakian II • 10 July, 2013 Venture Capital Expansion Investment
Can Wrapp’s success be replicated in the Middle East? Just Gift It expands social gifting If you’re hoping to launch a startup that will grow quickly, Sweden’s Wrapp is one to look to. After launching in Sweden in November 2011, ... Nina Curley • 09 July, 2013 Social Gifting E-commerce
Egyptian author finds a new solution with digital publishing Gone are the days when an author’s hard work goes unpublished or unnoticed because a large publishing house seals their fate with a ‘no.’ N... Glen Dalakian II • 09 July, 2013 Translation
Can this Facebook clone become the biggest social network in Yemen? Could the Arab world's next social network come from... Yemen? Why invent the wheel, the cofounders argue. “We created a design very s... Maya Rahal • 09 July, 2013 Social Networks Facebook Social Media
Why we need better arts education in the Arab world “If the Arab world continues to under-value arts education, it risks falling even further behind developed countries in preparing students ... Oubai Elkerdi • 09 July, 2013 Art Design Education
What's dangerous about the hype in the Middle East startup ecosystem [Wamda TV] At the recent World Economic Forum Meeting on the Middle East and North Africa in Dead Sea, Jordan this May, we chatted with Usama Fayyad, E... Nina Curley • 09 July, 2013 Hype World Economic Forum Incubator