Jordan Babil Games acquired for $17M In what could be the largest exit in the region’s gaming industry, Middle East-based game publisher Babil Games has been... Lucy Knight • 18 December, 2016 Gaming babil games game development
Egypt Can cleantech be Egypt's greatest wealth generator? The Egyptian cleantech ecosystem is a few years behind its cousin, pure tech, but the sector is beginning to show signs of consolidation.... Rachel Williamson • 18 December, 2016 Cleantech LACI cleantech Arabia
U.A.E Mentors to startups, 13 ways to build your brand #Mixnmentor “What is your purpose in life?” might seem like a grand question to be asked at a job interview but it is one that Careem... Lucy Knight • 18 December, 2016 mix n mentor dubai uae
Qatar How we can create a virtuous innovation cycle [Opinion] Innovation is a key element of all national transformation agendas in GCC countries, with no less than Vice President and Ruler of Dubai... Alexandros Papaspyridis - Tatiana Zalan • 15 December, 2016 3i Innovation Framework microsoft
Egypt Egypt loosens rules on mobile money In what will be welcome news to Egypt’s burgeoning fintech startups, the Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) is starting a bid to formalize... Rachel Williamson • 15 December, 2016 Fintech Central Bank of Egypt mobile money
Egypt IFC invests in Algebra Ventures, Flat6labs Cairo funds New Egyptian venture fund Algebra Ventures has announced the first closing at $40 million. The fund, first announced in June, plans to... Rachel Williamson • 15 December, 2016 Algebra Ventures Egypt SysDsoft
Global Startup Watch: Say no to #manels and hyperloop feasibility in UAE The world of entrepreneurship news is a complex one, with people ever ready to give their two cents on how you should be running your... Lucy Knight • 15 December, 2016 Startup Watch Hyperloop Dubai
Jordan Jordan’s Ekeif is becoming the Arab world’s Instagram for how-to videos How do you make ketchup at home? What are some self defense moves to use in case of an attack? Many of these questions will yield... Tala El Issa • 14 December, 2016 Ekeif Jordan Sima Najjar
Iraq To dream the impossible dream: an Erbil incubator When Mashal Sadiq arrived in Erbil after completing her undergraduate studies in the UK she was just looking for a little break from the... Lucy Knight • 14 December, 2016 Incubator myedream iraq
U.A.E Big data, food for thought at Dubai’s Smartcon ‘Big data’ is an increasingly cited buzzword but not always completely understood in relation to the planning and optimization... Elias Jabbe • 13 December, 2016 big data Smart Cities Smart Dubai
Palestine Crowdfunding as a business model? Taita Leila in Palestine says yes The idea of crowdfunding a fashion line is a familiar concept to Western fashion brands but few use the technique as the only sales method... Christina Ganim • 13 December, 2016 Taita Leila palestine Fashion
Egypt Real-time translation for Europe bound refugees and migrants [Wamda TV] Refugees and migrants from eastern Europe, the Middle East and Asia have been making their way to European Union countries for many years,... Lucy Knight • 13 December, 2016 ET Call refugees Egypt
Egypt Rising Up: Egypt's entrepreneurs as important as ever The Rise Up Summit, the region’s foremost entrepreneur get-together, closed yesterday on the news of yet another brutal terrorist... Rachel Williamson • 12 December, 2016 RiseUp Summit Egypt Alexandria Angels
Global What I know about IoT: Cedric Giorgi The Internet of Things (IoT) is throwing off some new innovations, one of which is the need for something called a ‘low power... Rachel Williamson • 12 December, 2016 IoT Sigfox Spimesense Labs
Regional Investing in MENA’s emerging market [WamdaTV] Foreigners looking to establish businesses in MENA’s emerging market not only need to cope with local business regulations and... Dana Ballout • 12 December, 2016 will hutson LMTD uae
Regional Founders depression: The dark side of the startup hype in MENA Sitting at a startup accelerator program aimed at supporting young entrepreneurs in Jordan, Ala’a Suleiman, cofounder and CEO of... Maisa Khudair • 11 December, 2016 Founders depression mental health Jordan